Sunday 1 August 2021

LAB DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM: Introduction to diagnostic system, it's types, Lab diagnostic system and Role of computer


Link for the Video Demonstration of this topic 👇

Diagnostics: Diagnostic is defined as the identification of diseases by the examination of symptoms and signs.


1. Clinical diagnostic: A diagnostic made on the basis of medical signs & patient's reported symptoms.

2. Laboratory diagnostic: A diagnostic based significantly on laboratory reports or test results, rather than physical evaluation of the patient.

3. Radiology diagnostic: A diagnostic based on the results from medical imaging studies of conspicuous section.

 4. Computer aided diagnostic: Providing symptoms and medical images allows the computer to identify the problems & diagnose to the best of its ability,


Lab diagnostic system or in-vitro diagnostic system makes it possible to identify the microorganism causing an infectious disease and to appropriate treatment. They also make it possible to detect non infectious diseases

The most basic parameters that to be established regarding any clinical test are that it should demonstrate sufficient degree of reliability and validity. If these two parameters are not met, then the test value in assisting a physician/ clinicians to arrive at a diagnosis conclusion and form a treatment plan or monitor a patient's progress in waste/ questionable. And thus computer can be utilised to digitally diagnose the bio samples and generate accurate result of the lab diagnostic test.


  1. Clinicians rapidly obtain the right result with the appropriate test for the doubtful health condition.
  2. Weak points in the test process are readily recognized, necessary changes are done immediately.
  3. Human errors are minimized and legal certainty is improved.
  4. Diagnostic decisions are very transparent and accessible to all involved in patient care.
  5.  Important to detect any outbreak if suspected.


  1. Not applicable among patients with complex diseases.
  2. Lack of flexibility and individuality i.e. lacks changes in the method of test depending on individual patient.
  3. Only suitable for patients with a clear symptoms
  4.  Imaging not included.


Taking bio-samples and analyzing the results is an important part of working in a medical lab, and computers do much of the work there as well. Sophisticated computer technology can quickly determine whether the levels of proteins, amino acids, sugars and other elements are within normal ranges. These same computers can be used to generate results that are sent back to the patient's physician.

  • ABG machine/Blood gas analyser:

Blood gas analysis which is also known as arterial blood gas analysis, is a test in which the amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide as well as the acidity (pH) of the blood is measured. It may also measure electrolytes and metabolites.
  • Biochemistry Analyzer

An automated Biochemistry analyser is a medical diagnostic lab equipment which is designed to measure different chemicals and other characteristics in a number of biological samples with minimal human assistance.
  • Hematology Analyser / Cell counter

A cell-counter and bio-chemistry analyser are the most basic diagnostic lab equipment required – as blood cell count and blood profile are most commonly written tests.

Hematology analysers are automated systems that count leucocytes, red cells and platelets in the blood, and also checks the level of hemoglobin and hematocrit in the blood.
  • Urine analyzer

A urine analyser is an equipment which is used in the medical laboratory for performing automatic urine testing. Urine analyser analyses bilirubin, protein, glucose and red blood cells.
  • Electrolyte analyser

Electrolyte analysers are used to measure electrolyte levels in the human body and to detect metabolic imbalances and measure renal and cardiac function as also for blood plasma, serum, or urine samples. 

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