Saturday 28 August 2021



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A barcode is a small image of lines and numbers containing data that can be scanned by barcode scanners. In recent times, other devices such as smartphones and tablets have also been designed with barcode reading capabilities.


Barcode medication administration is a barcoded system to prevent errors in healthcare system and to improve accuracy & generate online records of medication administration. Its overall goals are to improve the quality and safety of medication administration by making sure that patients are receiving the correct medicines at correct time by electronically validating & documenting medications. The information encoded in the barcodes allows for the comparison of medicine being administered with what was ordered for the patient.

Thus the BCMA consists of 5 Rights:

1. Right Patient

2. Right Drug

3. Right Dose

4. Right Route

5. Right Time


Barcoded Medication Administration System is an inventory control system that uses barcodes to prevent human errors in the distribution of prescription medications at hospitals.


  • Identification of medicine
  • Patient identification
  • Maintaining patient’s safety
  • Management of inventory


For BCMA, each drug in the hospital is labelled with a unique barcode. When a patient is prescribed medication, it is faxed /sent electronically/ hand delivered to the hospital's pharmacy & entered into the computer system by a pharmacist. The pharmacist dispenses the Barcoded dose of drug to the patient's floor. When it's time for the attender to administer the medication, he/she uses a handheld device to scan the barcodes on his identification badge, the patient's wristband & the drug. If the barcode system cannot match the drug to be given with the order in the system, it alerts the attender with a visual warning. Each patient's barcode holds all the vital information about the patient and his medication.

A BCMA system consists of:

A barcode printer

A barcode reader

A mobile computer with Wi-Fi

A computer server

A suitable software


1. Improve patient's safety through the reduction of medication administration errors.

2. Improve nursing staff job satisfaction by minimizing nurse staffing service time requirements.

3. Generate positive public relations with the hospital's community.

4. Improve patient's satisfaction.


1. The key disadvantage for barcodes is that they require a line of sight in order to be read.

2. Barcode scanners usually have to be within 15 feet of the barcode in order to read its data.

3. Barcodes are typically printed on paper or plastic, which makes them easy to damage. A damaged barcode can't be read by a scanner.

4. Items must be scanned individually if you're using barcode technology.

5. Barcodes can be easily replicated.

Friday 27 August 2021



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Various Evaluation methods are:

  1. Melting point determination
  2. Breaking load point test
  3. Determination of thixotropic character
  4. Microbiological tests
  5. Test for rancidity
  6. Test for the Application Force
  7. Storage Stability
  8. Stability to Oxidation
  9. Determination of Surface Characteristic
  10. Determination of Colour dispersion

1. Melting Point Determination Test: 

The determination of melting point is done in order to determine the storage characteristics of the product. The melting point of lipstick base should be between 60 to 65°C in order to avoid the sensation of friction or dryness during application. The method of determination is known as capillary tube method: 
(a) In this method, about 50 mg of lipstick is taken and is inserted into a glass capillary tube open at both ends. The capillary tube is ice cooled for about few hrs until it sets and then placed in a beaker containing hot water and a magnetic stirrer. The temperature at which material starts moving through the capillary is said to be the melting point temperature. 
(d) Another important parameter is the drop point which determines the temperature at which the product starts oozing out the oil and becomes flattened out. 
The melting point  determines the safe handling and storage of finished product. 

2. Breaking Load Point Test: 

This test is done in order to determine the strength and hardness of the lipstick. In this method, the lipstick is placed in horizontal position I inch from the base and weights with increasing loads are attached to it. the weight at which the lipstick starts breaking, known as the breaking load point. The test shall be carried out in specific condition and at about 25 ° C temperatures. 

3. Determination of thixotropic character: 

This is a test for determining the uniformity in viscosity of base. The instrument used for the determination of thixotropic character is known as the penetrometer. 

4. Microbiological tests: 

The test is carried out in order to determine the extent of contamination either from the raw materials or mould. The test involves the plating of known mass of sample on two different culture media for the growth of microorganism and incubating them for a specific period of time. The extent of contamination can be estimated by counting the number of colonies. 

5. Test for rancidity: 

The oxidation of oil such as castor oil and many other ingredients may result in bad odour and taste and also result in a sticky product. The test for rancidity can be done by using hydrogen peroxide and determining its peroxide number.

  6. Test for the Application Force: 

This is a test to determine the force to be applied during application. In this method, two lipsticks are cut to obtain flat surfaces which are placed one above other. A smooth paper is placed between them which is attached to a dynamometer to determine force required to pull the paper indicates the force application. 

7. Storage Stability: 

This test is done in order to determine the stability of product during storage. 

8. Stability to Oxidation:

The oxidation characteristics of the finished product are determined in order to check the stability of the product to oxidation. The extent of oxidation can be determined by peroxide number of product after exposure or substance to oxygen for a specific period of time. 

9. Determination of Surface Characteristics: 

The study of surface property of the product is carried out in order to check the formation crystal on the surface or the contamination by microorganism or formation of wrinkles and the exudation of liquid. 

10. Determination of Colour dispersion: 

The test is done in order to determine the uniform dispersion of color particle. The size of the particle is determined by the microscopic studies and it should not be more than 50ยต. 

Friday 20 August 2021



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A medical prescription is given by a physician or other qualified health care practitioner generally to purchase a prescribed drug from a pharmacist. But in recent times, computer based medical prescriptions also known as Electronic prescriptions or e-prescriptions (e-Rx) are being used.

E-prescription allows a physician, pharmacist, nurse or physician's assistant to electronically transmit a new prescription or renewal authorization of a prescription to a community pharmacy or mail order pharmacy.


Defination: E-prescription is a technology or framework that allows physicians and other medical practitioners to write and send prescription to a participating pharmacies electronically instead of handwritten or faxed notes or calling-in prescriptions.


An ideal e-prescribing system must be capable of:

  • Patient identification
  • Generating a complete active medication list.
  • Access to patient historical data. 
  • Prescribe or add new medication & select the pharmacy where the prescription will be filled.
  • View details of medication, remove a medicine from active medication list, change dose etc.
  • Printing prescription.
  • Electronically transmit prescription to a pharmacy.
  • Showing availability of lower cost, therapeutically similar alternatives (if any).


1. Reduce prescribing and dispensing errors.

2. Decrease the work needed to execute a prescription.

3. Speed receipt of prescribed drugs.

4. Avoid more adverse drug interactions & reactions.

5. Reduce the incidence of drug abuse by dublication of prescription.


  1. Software design issues: The design features of e-prescribing system may increase the likelihood of errors due to poor screen design or automatic filling function etc., which can effect patient's safety. Due to default in software or network error, delay in the arrival of e-prescription can result in patient discontent & increase waiting time as patient may arrive at the pharmacy before an order has been received.
  2. Cost disadvantages: Often limitation of e prescribing system includes cost association with its use like start-up cost, maintenance cost & expenses on transaction of e-prescription to the chain pharmacy can be negotiated by large chain pharmacy but not affordable by smaller chain pharmacies. They have to pay more to utilize e-prescribing system.
  3. Clarification of inaccuracies: One of the benefits of e-prescribing system can also result in additional time taking for the pharmacist to process an e-prescription if inaccuracies exist. A study comparing traditional prescription with e prescription found that e-prescriptions requires more pharmacist interaction with the provider because of missing or inaccurate or unclear information. Verification of inaccurate doses was also common. The study has also found violation of legal requirements & excessive quantity or duration of medication. These findings suggest that the continued need for pharmacist to intervene on e-prescription, which leads to increased dispensing time.


Paper based discharge system are often found illegal, incomplete or received too late for the information to be considered clinically useful.

But electronic discharge system can address known deficiencies and improve the continuation of care, communication & accuracy of data in discharge summary. EDS system eliminates possible source of error that may result when scanning or faxing paper based discharge summaries.

Risk of patient safety occurs on discharge from hospital, when vital information is not transferred quickly to the doctors and to the patients.

Defination: So, the e-discharge summary system is a way that enables hospitals to safely transfer the information using coded data which is transferred also to the doctor's IT system when a patient is discharged from hospital care which ensures all the relevant information on diagnosis, medications & allergies about the patient is shared with general doctor in order to improve the quality & consistency of care.

Thursday 12 August 2021



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CAD (computer aided diagnosis) is an interdisciplinary technology combining elements of artificial intelligence and computer vision with radiological and pathology image processing usually confined for marking conspicuous structures and sections.

For e.g. In mammography (diagnosis of breast cancer), CAD highlights microcalcification clusters and hyperdense structures in the soft tissue. This allows the radiologist to draw conclusions about the condition of the pathology.


Computer aided diagnosis (CAD) are the systems that assist doctors in the interpretation of medical images, CAD system process digital images for typical appearance and to highlight conspicuous section such as possible diseases.

In medical imaging field, CAD helps doctors to take decision swiftly. Medical imaging deals with information in image that the medical practitioner and doctors has to evaluate and analyse abnormally in short time. The analysis is very crucial task because imaging is the modality to diagnose any disease at the earliest but this process of acquiring image should not harm the human body. Imaging techniques like MRI, X-RAY, Endoscopy, Ultrasound etc if acquired with high energy will provide good quality image but will harm the body. Hence images are taken in less energy but the quality of image is of less contrast.

Thus, CAD system use to improve the quality of the image which helps to interpret the medical images correctly and process the images to highlight the conspicuous part.


The main objective or goal of CAD is to identify abnormal signs at an earliest that a human professionally fails to find. Like in mammography, identification of small lumps in dense tissues etc.


CAD is further divided into two types:



CADe is usually restricted to marking the visible parts or structures in image.

Whereas CADx helps to evaluate the structures identified in CADe. Both CAD models are significantly important in identifying the abnormality at an earliest.

E.g. of CAD scan of lungs

Monday 9 August 2021



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Lipstick may be defined as dispersion of the colouring matter in a base consisting of a suitable blend of oils, fats and waxes with suitable perfumes and flavours moulded in the form of sticks to impart attractive gloss and colour, when applied on lips. 

The ideal requirements for the formation of a good lipstick may be as follows: 
• It should efficiently cover lips with colour and impart a gloss which would last long. 
• It should be able to maintain the intensity of colour without any alteration in the degree of its shade. 
• It should be able to adhere firmly to the lips and should not provide any greasy appearance. 
• It should possess good thixotropic property so as to deposit the colour with minimum pressure. 
• It should show a smear proof coloring effect. 
• It should possess required plasticity and be able to maintain all the properties throughout the storage period. 
• It should not be gritty. 
• It should be easily dried. 
• The stick should possess even firmness and should maintain its strength at varying temperatures up to 55°C. 
• The stick should not dry or crumble easily. 
• The lipstick should possess a pleasant fragrance and a good flavour. 
• Should be safe and non-irritating to the lips. 
• Result in blooming or sweating of the lips. 


1. The Solid Components/waxes: the solid components are responsible for the final
structure of the product by solidifying the liquid matrix. The materials required for attaining a 
reasonable body, hardness, melting point and shrinkage necessary for the easy release of the 
mould are together referred to as natural waxes. The solid components of the formulation are mostly natural waxes which may be classified as 

(a) The hydrocarbon waxes: Example: White bees wax.

 (b) The mineral waxes: Example: Ozokerite, ceresine.

(c) Hard waxes: Example: Carnauba wax, candelilla wax, hard paraffin etc. 

(d) Micro crystalline waxes 

2. The Liquid Components: The liquid components are mostly constituted by the oils such as mineral oil, vegetable oil, castor oil, alcohol etc. The properties of the oils should be as follows: 

(i) It should possess good dissolution properties in order to dissolve all the bromo acids. 
(ii) It should possess an optimum viscosity range. 
(iii) It should be colourless, odourless and tasteless. 
(iv) It should be non-toxic and non-irritating. 
(v) It should be easily compatible and stable. 

The most commonly used liquid components may be as follows: 

Mineral Oils: Blend of hydrocarbons

Vegetable Oils: The vegetable oils used may be sesame oil and olive oil. 

Castor Oil: It is obtained from the seeds of the castor plant, Ricinus communis. 

Butyl Stearates: They are useful for the dispersion of colour.

Propylene Glycol: It is non-toxic and possesses a sweet taste. 

Water: It is used in minor quantities in order to dissolve the colour. 

Silicone Fluid: It is mostly used to aid in mould release.

Isopropyl Maleate (IPM): It is used in concentration of 2.3% to increase lip gloss. 

3. The Softening Agents: They are used to increase the spread ability by softening the lipstick. The most commonly used softening agents include:

Anhydrous Lanolin: It is used in low concentration of about 0.25% in order to impart gloss, softness, emolliency and protection to the lips. 

Lanolin: It is used in minor quantities in order to improve the covering properties of the film.

Cocoa Butter: It is due to its good emollient property. 

Petrolatum: It is added mainly to enhance the gloss. 

Lecithin: It is used in minor quantities to impart smoothness and emollient effect.

4. Colouring Agents: Colour may be imparted to the lips either by staining the lip with a dye stuff colour or by covering the lips with coloring layers. The colours used in the formulation of lipsticks are of two types: 

(a) Soluble Colours: They are dye stuff agents which are easily soluble in oil, water and alcohol. 

(b) Insoluble Colours: They are organic or inorganic pigments which are insoluble. 

Properties of Colouring Agents: 
  • They should impart good opacity to the lips by imparting good colour. 
  • They should he easily and uniformly miscible with the oils used. 
  • The colours must he certified with the F, D and C grade. 
  •  They should possess very low content of impurities such as arsenic, lead etc,. 
  • The commonly used colourants for lipsticks: 
  • Carmine
  •  Dye Stuff Stains: Eosin dye, acid eosin dye etc.
  • Pigmented Stains
  • Lakes: Aluminium lakes, barium or calcium lakes, strontium lakes. 
5. Pearlescent Pigments: They are used to impart a pearl like appearance to the product when applied on the lips. Example: Bismuth oxychloride in 70 % castor oil may also provide a lustrous look. 

6. Opacifying Agent: It is used for opacifying or whitening of lipsticks. It can also alter the basic shade of the pigment. Various shades can he obtained by, varying the proportions. Example: Titanium Dioxide. 

7. Perfumeries: Light floral fragrances can be used in lipsticks. They should be tasteless, non-irritating and compatible. Example: rose oil, cinnamon oil, lavender oil etc. The fruity flavours that cover fatty odour of the oily waxes may also be used. 

8. Miscellaneous Agents: They include the following: 
(a) Preservatives: They are used to increase life period of the product by reducing the microbial growth. Example of preservatives such as methyl paraben and propyl paraben may be commonly used. The concentration of the preservative should not exceed 0.1%. 

(b) Antioxidants: The ingredients used in the formulation may be susceptible to oxidation. This may result in the degradation of the product. Thus, antioxidants are added in order to prevent oxidation of the ingredients. Example of commonly used antioxidants are butylated hydroxyl anisole (BHA), butylated hydroxyl toluene (BHT), tocopherol, propyl gallate, butylated hydroxyl quinines etc. 

(c) Flavouring Agents: They are included in order to impart good flavor to the product. Example: spearmint oil, cinnamon oil etc. Along with the flavouring agents, sodium saccharin and the ammonium glycyrrhizate may also be used in order to improve the taste. 

Example of formula:

  • If a solvent is used for the dissolution of bromo acid, the solution is first prepared and set aside until required. 
  • If commercial colour pastes are not being used, then lake colours are first dispersed by mixing with suitable quantity of castor oil. 
  • The colour paste obtained is passed through a triple roller mill until it becomes smooth and free from agglomerates and gritty particles. 
  • The colour mixture is then mixed with the bromo acid mixture. 
  • All the ingredients of the base are identified and arranged in the increasing order of their melting points. 
  • This mixture is remilled until it is perfectly smooth. 
  • Preservatives and anti-oxidant are dissolved in remaining oil and are added to the mixture. 
  • Finally, the perfume is added and the mass is stirred thoroughly, but gently to avoid entrapment of air. 
  • Automatic ejection mould is preferred for the large scale production. 
  • The mould is lubricated with liquid paraffin or isopropyl myristate before pouring the mass into the mould. 
  • It is important to prevent settling down of the coloring mass when the moulds are chilled. Lubrication facilitates easy removal of sticks. 

Saturday 7 August 2021



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Viscosity of both Newtonian and Non newtonian fluids are measured using various types of Viscometers.


The classification and applications of equipment to different types of fluids are given in Figure 7-15. 

In case of Newtonian systems, the rate of shear is directly proportional to the shearing stress. Therefore, single point viscometer, i.e., the equipment that works at a single rate of shear, is sufficient. The following viscometers are used.

1. Capillary Viscometer             

2. Falling Sphere Viscometer

3. Rotational Viscometer

For the evaluation of non-Newtonian fluids, multipoint viscometers are required, because the apparent viscosity is to be determined at a several of rates of shear to get entire consistency curve. Multi-point viscometers can also be used to determine the viscosity of Newtonian fluids, when maintained at constant rate of shear. The following viscometers are used.

1. Cup and Bob Viscometer

2. Cone and Plate Viscometer


Capillary instruments are very accurate for the measurement of viscosity of Newtonian fluids having low viscosity. During measurement the time for the fluid to flow by gravity from one mark in a capillary column to the second mark is measured. The time of flow of the liquid under test is compared with the time required for a liquid of known viscosity (usually water) to pass between the two marks.

If ฮท1 and ฮท2 are the viscosities of the unknown and standard liquid, ฯ 1 and ฯ ₂ are the densities of the liquids and t1 and t2 are the respective flow times in seconds, the absolute viscosity of the unknown liquid ฮท1 is determined by substituting the experimental value in the equation:

ฮท1/ ฮท2 = ฯ1 t1/ ฯ2 t2

The value ฮท1/ ฮท2 = ฮท rel is known as relative viscosity of the liquid under test.

The above equation is based on Poiseuille's Law for a liquid flowing through a capillary tube,

ฮท = ฯ€r4t∆P / 8 lv


r is the radius of the inside capillary,

t is the time of flow,

∆P is the pressure head in dyne/cm² under which the liquid flows,

l is the length of the capillary 

V is the volume of fluid flowing.

This equation can also be written as :

ฮท = ฮšt ฮ”ฮก

where K is a constant.

The pressure head ∆P depends on the density ฯ of the liquid being measured, the acceleration due to gravity, and the difference in heights of the liquid level in the two arms of the viscometer. The acceleration of gravity is a constant and if the levels in the capillary are kept constant for all liquids, all the terms can be incorporated into a constant. The viscosities of the unknown and standard liquids can then be given as:

ฮท1 = K’t1 ฯ1

ฮท2= K’t2 ฯ2

Diving both the terms,

ฮท 1/ ฮท 2 = ฯ1 t1/ ฯ2 t2

Viscometers with capillary of varying diameters are available commercially for the measurement of fluids over a wide range of viscosity such as the Ostwald's viscometer, the Ubbelohde viscometer and the Cannon-Fenske viscometer


Fig. Oswald's U-tube capillary viscometer

The apparatus consists of a 'U' tube of which the left arm has a bulb at its lower part marked as A above the bulb. The right arm of the tube also has a bulb but at the upper part marked as B and C above and below the bulb and just below this bulb is a capillary tube. 
Liquid is introduced into the viscometer through the left arm until the level reaches the mark A. The viscometer is fixed vertically in a thermostated bath and allowed to attain the required temperature. The sample volume is adjusted and the liquid is sucked or blown into the right arm until the meniscus is just above mark B. The suction or pressure is released and the time taken for the bottom of the meniscus to fall from B to C is noted.
In order to determine the relative viscosity of a liquid with respect to water, the experiment is undertaken first with water and then with the liquid whose viscosity is to be determined. The time taken for the liquid t1, and that for water t2, are determined. 
The relative viscosity is calculated as:
Relative viscosity = ฮท1/ ฮท2 = ฯ1 t1/ ฯ2 t2
The absolute viscosity of the liquid may be calculated by multiplying the value of relative viscosity with the absolute viscosity of water.


The principle of this instrument is based on Stoke's law which states that when a body falls through a viscous medium, it experiences a resistance or viscous drag which opposes the motion of the body. At the initial stage, the body experiences an acceleration due to the influence of gravity but soon this acceleration is balanced by the viscous drag and the body falls with a uniform terminal velocity.

Thus, Viscous drag on the body = Force responsible for the downward movement
Or 3ฯ€dฮทv = ฯ€/6d³g (ฯ s- ฯ ₁)
ฮท is the coefficient of viscosity
d is the diameter of the sphere
g is the acceleration due to gravity
v is the terminal velocity
ฯ s is the density of the sphere and
ฯ ₁ is the density the liquid
Rearranging the above equation, we get :
ฮท= d^2g(ฯs - ฯ₁)/ 18v

A falling sphere viscometer consists of a tube having two marking A and B on the outer surface. The tube is filled with the liquid whose viscosity is to be determined. The tube is clamped vertically inside a constant temperature bath and sufficient time is allowed for equilibration of temperature and for removal of air-bubbles from the liquid.
A ball of suitable material such as steel or glass is then allowed to fall through the glass tube inside the falling tube. The time taken for the sphere to fall from the point A to B is noted and the terminal velocity is obtained by dividing the distance between the two marks and the time. By substituting all the values in the above equation, the viscosity of the liquid is determined.
The above equation assumes that the sphere is falling through a medium of infinite dimension. A largest possible diameter should be employed. However, since the liquid in the experiment is contained in a cylindrical tube, a correction factor is introduced to nullify the effect of the tube wall on the fall of the sphere.

Correction factor (F) = 1 – 2.104 d/D + 2.09 d³/D³ - 0.95 d^5/D^5

where d is the diameter of the sphere and D is the diameter of the tube.

The corrected viscosity = ฮท x F

An example of the falling sphere viscometer is the Hoeppler Ball Viscometer. It is a falling ball instrument which uses a short, nearly vertical glass tube of large diameter and a closely fitting ball of either steel or glass. The sample and a ball are loaded into the inner cylinder and brought to the temperature of measurement by means of a constant temperature outer jacket. The apparatus is inverted to place the ball in the initial starting position. The time for the ball to traverse the distance between two marks is measured. A minimum falling time of 30 seconds is used for best results.


These instruments work on viscous drag exerted on a body when it is rotated in the fluid, for which the viscosity is to be determined. Here wide range of shear rate can be achieved by varying shear stress. Thus also useful for Non-newtonian type fluids. The two categories of instruments are:

1. Cup and Bob Viscometer
2. Cone and Plate Viscometer

(a) Cup and Bob Viscometer

This type of instrument consists of two coaxial cylinders of different diameters. The outer cylinder forms the cup into which the inner cylinder or bob is fixed centrally. The sample to be analysed is sheared in the space between the outer wall of the bob and the inner wall of the cup. The different types of commercially available instruments differ mainly in whether the torque set up in the bob is due to the rotation of the outer cup or due to the rotation of the bob itself.

The Stormer Viscometer

The stormer viscometer is an instrument in which the bob rotates and the cup is stationary. The instrument can be used to obtain fundamental rheological properties such as yield value, plastic viscosity and the thixotropic index.

In operation, the test system is placed in the space between the cup and the bob and allowed to reach temperature equilibrium. A weight is placed on the hanger and the time for the bob to rotate a specific number of times is recorded. This data is then converted to rpm. The weights are increased gradually and the whole procedure is repeated. In this way, a rheogram is obtained by plotting rpm vs weight added. By the use of appropriate constants, the rpm value can be converted to actual rates of shear in sec¹. Similarly, the weights added can be transposed into the units of shear stress, namely dynes cm ².
The viscosity of the material may be calculated using the following equation:
ล‹ = Kv w/v

w is the weight in grams
v is the rpm generated due to w
Kv is an instrument constant which can be determined by analysing an oil of known viscosity using the instrument.
The plastic viscosity may be calculated using the equation :
U = Kv (W-Wf)/V

where U is the plastic viscosity in poise and Wf is the yield value intercept in grams.

(b) Cone and Plate Viscometer

The instrument essentially consists of a flat circular plate with a wide angle cone placed centrally.

During operation, the sample is placed at the centre of the plate, which is then raised into position under the cone. The cone is driven by a variable speed motor and the sample is sheared in the narrow gap between the stationary plate and the rotating cone. The rate of shear in revolution per minute is increased and decreased and the torque produced on the cone is measured. A plot of rpm or rate of shear versus scale reading or shearing stress may thus be constructed in an ordinary manner. The Ferranti-shirley viscometer is an example of a rotational cone and plate viscometer.

The viscosity in poises of a Newtonian liquid measured in the cone-plate viscometer is calculated by the use of the equation :
h= C T/V

C is an instrumental constant,
T is the torque reading,
v is the speed of the cone in revolutions per minute

For a material showing plastic flow, the plastic viscosity is given by the equation:
U = C (T-Tf)/V
And the yield value is given by
f = C x Tf
Where Tf is the torque at the shearing stress and C is an instrumental constant.

Sunday 1 August 2021

LAB DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM: Introduction to diagnostic system, it's types, Lab diagnostic system and Role of computer


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Diagnostics: Diagnostic is defined as the identification of diseases by the examination of symptoms and signs.


1. Clinical diagnostic: A diagnostic made on the basis of medical signs & patient's reported symptoms.

2. Laboratory diagnostic: A diagnostic based significantly on laboratory reports or test results, rather than physical evaluation of the patient.

3. Radiology diagnostic: A diagnostic based on the results from medical imaging studies of conspicuous section.

 4. Computer aided diagnostic: Providing symptoms and medical images allows the computer to identify the problems & diagnose to the best of its ability,


Lab diagnostic system or in-vitro diagnostic system makes it possible to identify the microorganism causing an infectious disease and to appropriate treatment. They also make it possible to detect non infectious diseases

The most basic parameters that to be established regarding any clinical test are that it should demonstrate sufficient degree of reliability and validity. If these two parameters are not met, then the test value in assisting a physician/ clinicians to arrive at a diagnosis conclusion and form a treatment plan or monitor a patient's progress in waste/ questionable. And thus computer can be utilised to digitally diagnose the bio samples and generate accurate result of the lab diagnostic test.


  1. Clinicians rapidly obtain the right result with the appropriate test for the doubtful health condition.
  2. Weak points in the test process are readily recognized, necessary changes are done immediately.
  3. Human errors are minimized and legal certainty is improved.
  4. Diagnostic decisions are very transparent and accessible to all involved in patient care.
  5.  Important to detect any outbreak if suspected.


  1. Not applicable among patients with complex diseases.
  2. Lack of flexibility and individuality i.e. lacks changes in the method of test depending on individual patient.
  3. Only suitable for patients with a clear symptoms
  4.  Imaging not included.


Taking bio-samples and analyzing the results is an important part of working in a medical lab, and computers do much of the work there as well. Sophisticated computer technology can quickly determine whether the levels of proteins, amino acids, sugars and other elements are within normal ranges. These same computers can be used to generate results that are sent back to the patient's physician.

  • ABG machine/Blood gas analyser:

Blood gas analysis which is also known as arterial blood gas analysis, is a test in which the amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide as well as the acidity (pH) of the blood is measured. It may also measure electrolytes and metabolites.
  • Biochemistry Analyzer

An automated Biochemistry analyser is a medical diagnostic lab equipment which is designed to measure different chemicals and other characteristics in a number of biological samples with minimal human assistance.
  • Hematology Analyser / Cell counter

A cell-counter and bio-chemistry analyser are the most basic diagnostic lab equipment required – as blood cell count and blood profile are most commonly written tests.

Hematology analysers are automated systems that count leucocytes, red cells and platelets in the blood, and also checks the level of hemoglobin and hematocrit in the blood.
  • Urine analyzer

A urine analyser is an equipment which is used in the medical laboratory for performing automatic urine testing. Urine analyser analyses bilirubin, protein, glucose and red blood cells.
  • Electrolyte analyser

Electrolyte analysers are used to measure electrolyte levels in the human body and to detect metabolic imbalances and measure renal and cardiac function as also for blood plasma, serum, or urine samples. 


MECHANISM OF DRUG ABSORPTION Link for video demonstration of this topic ๐Ÿ‘‡ The three broad categories of drug ...